As I am on my journey to discovering who I am, I realize how I have been over playing my role in the lives of others who aren't interested in doing the same.
I have invested in being everything to everyone but coming up short when I need someone.
Honestly, and I being transparent as so should you, I pushed away people who would have been there for me to make room for people who won't be. Hurts doesn't it!
To correct this within myself, well I have taken the first steps. Realizing I have failed myself and admitting it.
I will always love people wholeheartedly but no more assisting in areas in which I should not and allowing others to support me in areas I need it.
I encourage you to look around at who shows up for you supporting you not when they can but when you need them. Who offers to support you spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and or financially......