When and where did you lose your joy? When and where did you lose your praise? What hindered your worship? Can you recall the exact moment when things changed in your life?
Well it doesn’t matter when and where because today, you can have it back! God is standing there with His arms opened wide ready to welcome you home.
Today we will walk in our authority
Today we will take back all the enemy has stolen from us
Today we will worship God like never before and sing a new song that will cause the earth to shake!
Today victory will be ours
Today mountains will be moved
Today we will flow like never before
Today yokes will be broken
Today all manners of diseases will be healed
Today we will speak to dead situations and they will come to life
Today is the day He has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!
I am so excited about my GOD today and my life today........8/5/2021