The mind really does play tricks or it tries to...
Our mind is so complex, it makes us aware of our experiences, it allows us to think, and the mind is described as that which allows perception, problem solving, learning, and memory. In my opinion, the mind plays tricks as we often see but because of our mind, we cannot see for what it is or we perceive how we want to see.
I have been thinking a lot about truths and intellectual levels as it pertains to our experiences, behaviors, and most importantly our lack of ability to flee from abuse whether it be physical, emotional, or financial.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen several social media post of women in abusive relationships, who are in the middle of being abused, recording the abuser. I read responses like "its part of their healing process", "this is proof I am being abused", and I even heard one female say "I want people to see how you are treating me". The last one really blew my mind.
As someone who was in a previous abusive relationship, I did not want anyone to see how I was being treated...but we all are different and I do not take abusive experience lightly.
Why do we remain in situations where we are being abused? Maybe there is no why. This is not only intimate relationships, but friendships or even family relationships. For people who love God and we say God loves us, do we not think God wants us to have better? I mean, He is our Father, and do we really believe He wants us to remain in situations of abuse?
For those who do not travel the road of Christianity, do you not know how valuable you are and think you are only worth that ugly word or blow to the head?
Too long have we looked at the abuser but failed to consider the abused. Does the mind of the abused think, feel, or perceive differently. Do they not recognize abuse or does the mind see abuse as an act of love? Or is there an ability to only fully experience abuse when it is occurring and when the abuse has ended, the mind no longer comprehends it for what it really is?
Random but real....abuse in any form is not ok. See it for what it is. The abuser has a goal in mind and every victim, who is currently experiencing any form of abuse, is encouraged get some goals in mind.