You will know when it is time for your to grow. And by grow I mean release some stuff, release some people, places, and things. You may start to feel uncomfortable or irritated by your current situation.
We sometimes become afraid of letting go. Maybe we are afraid that the things we release won't be replaced. Or maybe we fear having vacant spaces in our lives.
Don't be afraid to release, we should be more afraid of holding on. Holding on may be what is preventing us from growing because those around us are not growing, the things we have do not add value, and the places we are in is not the places designed for us to be.
What if those around us are growing....but is their growth attached to our growth? Are we growing apart or growing together?
Releasing people is hard..we hold on to memories and years we spent building relationship but sometimes it funny because we know the relationship is not helping us grow spiritually, mentally, financially, or socially.
I am feeling random today.....