Whatever you are allowed to go through is meant to stregthen you; journey on. Your character flaws and bad decisions will be used so God can get the glory out of your life; journey on. What you have endured will allow you to impact others; journey on. We often focus on mishaps and potholes on the road called life but remember potholes are natural. Weak areas can't carry your weight. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and God knew you before you were formed in the womb and because He knew you, He was aware of the journey you had to take. Do not think your life is by accident, you were created with a plan in mind. Embrace your journey and allow God to order your steps; He is already on the road with you even though you can't physically see Him, have faith He is right there beside you.
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Great read. So proud of you .
Can’t wait to read the book!