Each morning I get up and experience God's amazing creations, the sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom, and I get to breathe fresh air. I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and the lights are on. I say "thank you Jesus", as I am thankful I am alive to experience His goodness. But is my thank you enough?
I provide for my children daily, and they say thank you, but is that enough for me? Are they showing me their gratitude. Do they wash the dishes without being told, do they do little things that put a smile on my face. Am I doing enough to show my mother that I love her and am thankful for all she has done and is doing for me.
Today do something to put a smile on God's face, show appreciation for all He has done and all He is doing. Give Him some special attention! Worship Him, talk to Him today. Offer to help someone else and expect nothing in return. Yes, I am beyond thankful because it could have been me! Lord teach me how to tell you thank you!