It is not your responsibility to carry responsibilities or burdens that belong to someone else. Let me tell you that you do not have enough weight to carry anything other than what is meant for you to carry.
It is ok to be there for people and support them but when start too feel obligated to answer the phone or return text, it is becoming too much.
Most people not only have themselves to care for but spouses, children, and or parents they support and infringing upon their already full lives is not fair.
What I have learned through my many experiences is :
1: Those you support will never provide that level of support to you, even if they are mentally or financially able to support you they will not
3: In the midst of your difficult times, you will ride the wave alone.
Carrying what does not belong to you, ages you, causes exhaustion, and causes other parts of your life to get out of alignment.
Self care! Take care of you first because if you are not ok, you will not be able to support anyone else.
It is ok to say no! It is ok not to be available or answer the phone.
You are in charge of your life and control what you allow in your life. You control what you entertain and how many extra bags you decide to carry. The bags I carry are enough for me as the weight of other bags are beginning to take me to places I don’t like!
This is so true!! Your cross is heavy enough without having the weight of someone else’s ! Most of the time you aren’t even appreciated enough for what you have done and they come expecting more .. most of the time (much more)!This leaves you in most cases bent over and broken down!!