Have you ever been at a place in your life where you just did not feel comfortable any more? A place where you felt stuck, like no where else to go. A place where you were dying?
Have you ever visited someone's home and everything was going well, you were kicking it, the experience was good but then after a few days, you were getting on their nerves and they were getting on yours?
All of this means that you have been in a place, not designed to be occupied longterm, too long!
It is easy to become complacent in jobs, relationships, and or friendships to the point that even if it is unhealthy or dead, we refuse to leave.
We often value the time we invested in a place, the money we invested in a place, and comfortability of the place over our overall satisfaction in the place.
What about your relationship that is not motivating you to grow or advance but you hold onto it because you are used to it, "I know them" or "I don't want to learn anyone else". Relationships (not marriage) in which you live like roommates but not a loving couple.....you have definetly stayed to long.
But what about places you have left to soon. Places that were designed to be a blessing but because of distractions, frustrations, or promises from other people, you just walked away and missed out on an opportunity that would have blown your mind. What if you would have held on one more perfromance cycle, a promotion was waiting for you or a wage increase.
The one that really bothers me is relationships/partnerships. Some of you get so caught up in what others say, who are not investing in you or your relationship or not helping you be great, that you will leave the person who God has designed to not only be a blessing but to catapult you into your destiny.....don't leave too soon
This year it is imparative we learn how to discern (judge well) when it is time for us to move on or time for us to stay. No longer can we allow anything or anyone to keep us from moving or cause us to move to soon. See when we lean to our own understanding/judgement, it is easier to error. We need guidance and wisdom to know. Don't die where you are. Don't miss your blessing.