We should always choose to love ourselves more than we ”love” the pain being inflicted on on us by the ones who promised to love us.
Infidelity is the act of being unfaithful to a spouse
Abuse is to treat with cruelty or violence; misuse.
I love marriage and everything it stands for. Honestly, I did not know how to be a wife and have some reservations about becoming a wife again. I encourage marriage!
A husband cheated on me and I forgave him. Why? Well I thought of all the times I messed up in my marriage (not cheating but disrespect) and he forgave me. I forgave him because God forgave him and I am sure God‘s chastisement was far worse than me walking out.
I have deal breakers, which I am not saying is right but my deal breakers have kept me from settling into situations that could have eventually killed me spiritually, physically, socially, and or financially. Never should we enter into a marriage anticipating divorce or expecting the worse.
What happens when he cheats, habitually? What do you do when he begins to verbally abuse you or even your kids?
How do you respond when he fails to come home at night disappearing for days and limits the number of phone calls he accepts?
Do you cover his debt ensuring he is able to live comfortably?
I don’t know..,, but what I do know is God wants you to have life and have it more abundantly! What I do know is God‘s blessings do not cause sorrow.., continuous sorrow not normal marriage ups and downs. What I have been told is that marriage is honorable.
I started this post on yesterday but I was unable to finish.
This morning, I am reminded that we can have such a desire to prove we are right, that we heard God in our situation, or that we won something, that we keep ourselves bound.
Let me clarify (transparent). There was someone I held on to so tightly and holding on cost me. I held on because I wanted to prove to everyone I had won a prize. Despite what the person did to me or said to me, I held on. What I finally realized was that I was holding myself hostage. The person was trying to free me (revelation that just came) but I willfully remained bound. Everything he was doing was his attempt to release me from bondage smh. Sometimes we think we are being mistreated in our marriages because our spouse is mean or the enemy is busy and I don't deny the enemy is busy but sometimes our partner just wants us to walk away, for whatever reason. They know they are not man/woman enough to treat us the way we deserve, they know our value (heck they chose us), but are no longer able to afford (not financial) us.
Choose to love yourself! You don't need a sign, God is allowing the signs! God has already given instruction through His word, He does not desire that you experience any form of abuse. AND most of all, let us STOP putting God in our mess. God is not the creator of confusion and if it aint peace, it aint God.