Today I welcomed my fourth grandchild. I tried not get attached during the entire pregnancy. Don't judge me.... but then I saw her little face and I fell in love.
I FaceTimed my son throughout the day just so I could see her. Lol, I decided to purchase a new SUV so I would have room to transport them.
It's funny how grandchildren have changed me. Being a grandma is the best part of me. I definitely can't do it the way my grandmomma did, but I do well.
I am honored I was chosen to raise and nurture these little people.
As a young mother I didn't always understand my role as a parent. I fed my kids, clothed them, went to little league games but my role was bigger than the things I exhausted myself doing.
Our goals as parents and grandparents are to guide our children to their purpose teaching them the right way. Not our right way but Gods right way. Once I started to Understand, my parenting changed.
Does it become difficult sometimes, of course! But I pray it through and focus.
What changed for you and about you when you became a parent or have been given a vision for your child wjen that time has come?