I dreamed a dream: I had a huge house, it was almost like a mansion. I left my house for a season but I eventually returned to my house. Upon returning, I found the house occupied by three people. I tried calling the police, but I could never get the 911 call to go through. I could literally feel my physical self-doing this while I slept. I looked in the phone book and every number I dialed, no one would answer, or I could not dial all the numbers. I was persistent and I bought a few of my family members to the house, the invaders still would not leave. After what seemed like hours, they finally left. First they tried to convince me why my house belonged to them, things like I had left for a while so they moved in, squatters. They left but tried to give me rules and informed me that they would be back. I was spiritually educated by the dream. There is always room to learn. I learned that I always have to protect my house (soul, physical body, spiritual self and gifts). If I ever leave those things unattended or fail to protect them, the enemy will take them by force. He will use multiple things to get me off track. Demons are so real and they come like an army, just like the people who occupied my house, it is never just one in a house. I have to stay prayed up, stay aligned with the Word, remain humble, and keep a spirit of repentance. Those things are what runs the enemy away. My support system is important to me and I have to discern the spirits of my team mates to ensure they have my back and assist me in driving the invaders out. When the devil is cast out, he will return confirmed by Matthew 12:43-45. My spiritual house has to be kept up like a house and things have to flow continuously.
I continue to learn why it is imparative not leave my spiritual house unattended.
Even invited guest may carry spirits that will disrupt your house. The spirits guest carry wait for the perfect oppurtunity to show their faces and attack. They won't attack when you are prepared or spiritually fit but when they believe you are not in your Word, praying as you should or fasting as you should.
Watch as well as pray, be on your post!